So, we all have a phone in our pocket or our hand at all times. Some of these phones even pack cameras better than some Nikon cameras nowadays.....but, are we truly taking full advantage of everything we have right there at our fingertips when trying to capture those memories?
Well, here are some tips for you when you next find yourself playing ‘photographer.’
Keep snapping! You can delete later.
Shoot in Airplane mode
Shoot in Landscape mode
Turn smartphone on HDR Auto
If prompted, shoot in manual, and select your setting for exposure, aperture, and ISO manually. Some cameras on your smartphone allow this, such as Android, and some Samsung phones. It is known as ‘Pro‘ mode.
Why? Because your pictures can look more professional looking and you are suddenly fully in charge of the results. In auto, your camera ‘guesses’ what your end result should look like. However, lets say you are taking a picture of a moving waterfall. It is a bright sunny day....So, your camera will not automatically choose a long exposure with low ISO. It will choose a normal to fast shutter, ( regular to short expisure and medium ISO dependent on the amount of light in the scene. However, the higher the ISO, the less detailed the picture can get.
If shooting moving water, like a waterfall, you want a very slow shutter, long exposure, and lower ISO.
In summary, always choose the 3 elements of ISO, aperture, and exposure if prompted to.
on some Samsung phones and other Android devices It is known as ‘Pro‘ mode.
Do not use zoom on smartphones- it really messes with your image quality and creates grainy pictures! Instead, get closer to your subject.
Shoot with the rule of thirds in mind.
Android and Iphone enable you to use viewfinder grid lines to aid in this. Once you get over the lines in your ‘view,’ you will find your pictures greatly improved. Iphone calls it ‘Camera grid.’
Move the shutter button if possible! Android only!*
Samsung phones:
On certain later model Samsungs, like the 10 plus, you can drag the shutter button to wherever you need it! You can simply swipe the shutter button anywhere on the camera interface, and it'll stay there as long as you want to make it easier to shoot from an awkward angle or with just one hand.
Take selfies from an angle that allows you to shoot from above
Do not be afraid to leave empty space around your subject. This allows clean space for the viewers to focus in. A cluttered photo can take away from that.
Frame your scene with the idea that you will shoot your subject from the lower level, floor level even, versus always ‘chest level’ - like our ‘go to‘ phone position. This will give you a more beautiful scene with sky, landscape and subject, for example, if you are shooting outdoors. This will also allow you to get a close up subject as well as a distant subject in the same shot, also creating varied depth fields.
If you have two or three main subjects in your scene, you can position them at different depth points, or try positioning them in diagonal alignment. This is an easy way to create a more balanced composition. And it encourages the viewer’s gaze to flow through the scene.
If everything is one sided, your photo can look unbalanced. Diagonal balance will make a real difference to the impact of your photo.
Do not use flash unless it is needed- try to work with natural lighting if at all possible.
A photo flash often leads to unflattering, harsh shadows. As a solution, you can try to use a semi-translucent piece of white tape placed over the flash of your smartphone. This will give you a homemade diffuser that reduces the hardness of the lightning and provides smooth light and only a little shadow. This makes the photo more natural.
Never underestimate the power of reflections, shadows, and use of silhouettes. Try taking pictures using all 3! This can make for some incredible shots.
Take advantage of 3rd party apps- but do not over edit with them. Try to shoot to secure the best picture first, not just shoot in mediocre conditions to retouch later.
Iphone users* - Use PORTRAIT mode when shooting. Once in this mode you have several settings. My preference is to go with natural light.
Android users- Get accustomed to all the modes you have to work with. Heck, you have a food and Instagram mode even! This will get the shot right at the time of shooting- NOT in post production! Result? Great quality shots, and more customized if you are shooting in ‘auto’ mode! You have an incredible phone at your fingertips! I am an Iphone user but will be learning more soon on Droid..
Invest in a fish eye, macro lens and/ or other zoom lens that you can attach or add to your phone for added functionality and more flexibility. It is amazing how much depth you can add. Recently I found a kit of 3 lenses that were not bad at my local ‘ Five and below’ for any smartphone. So, for a hobbyist it is very possible.
This is a decent app that lets you work with your mobile phone like a manual/ dslr point and shoot. You can control ISO/ aperture/ shutter speed and shoot mode etc. At $4 it is a steal. I believe it is available on all platforms.
Below is just a regular shot I took getting close to my subject with my Iphone X, unedited. See what you can do and email me your shots!