Looking for great editing software for photos you take on the go? Many photographers like myself pay use the professional packages by Adobe of Lightroom and Photoshop. We use it on our laptops/ desktops and have it synced to our mobile devices for 'on the go' editing. The sync feature allows you to pick up where you left off on any device that is synched, not reducing productivity. This software runs into the hundreds of dollars, and while there are more capabilities and features in the full subscription version, I wanted to post this blog entry to let everyone know about some great news. If you are looking for a better way to edit your pictures, but not wanting to spend a lot, how does FREE sound to you? Adobe recently launched Light room as a free application on both IOS and Android. This means to the average mobile phone user, you can have this tool right at your fingertips in an app. I tested it out with a friend, and sure enough, she was able to download the program to her android, and I downloaded it to my iphone. She was prompted to set up an adobe account of her own, but that was it. Use 'you tube' videos, where other photographers have done blog video entries with light room help and tools, such as 'how to' guides, and honestly, once you get into it a little bit, you will totally get the hang of the application. It is my 'go to' with family pictures, vacation snaps, and of course, professional landscape shots every time, whether on my mobile, or on my tablet computer.