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Beginner Photography Tips

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

This year has brought to mind the IMPORTANCE of family, memories and ultimately capturing the moment! Here are some great tips to get you started.

'Shoot' what you love- people, nature, sports, etc..... in other words, be PASSIONATE!

Use 'auto' as a shoot setting to start, assuming you have a DSLR or a mirrorless camera.

If you do not, consider purchasing a DECENT camera, or get started with the camera on your device or cell phone- no need to break the bank! If you need help with a starter camera, message me.

Learn about EXPOSURE, ISO, APERTURE, FOCAL POINT, and SHUTTER SPEED and how it effects the shot. I also will go more into these areas in future blogs. I know that these are all vital concepts to understand. Please do not agonize over 'shooting' with all of these settings on 'manual' yet, as it takes a lot of time to truly get comfortable with them! Practice, practice, practice, and honestly, get your hands on your camera! That is the best advice I can give!

I am forming some beginner pre-recordedxoom classes to 'drop' for summer

Hope to be able to help all of you soon!

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